Silkroad Research Network


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Resources for Researcher


The “Resources for Researchers” section is an invaluable resource provided by the Silkroad Research Network, tailored specifically for academic writers and researchers. This section offers a comprehensive suite of training and educational materials designed to navigate the complexities of academic publishing. It covers essential topics such as identifying journals indexed in Scopus/WoS, recognizing predatory and fake journals, detecting publication scams, and understanding bibliometric analysis. Additionally, it provides guidance on conducting systematic literature reviews and other facets of academic writing. This resource aims to equip researchers with the necessary skills and knowledge to successfully publish their work, ensuring it contributes meaningfully to the global body of scholarly literature.

How to Conduct Literature Review: Current Update Using Research Platform

The webinar, “How to Conduct Literature Review: Current Update Using Research Platform,” expertly led by Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Founder of Silkroad Research Network and Head of Library at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, delves into the integration of artificial intelligence with traditional literature review methodologies. Co-hosted by Bobur Sobirov, Co-Founder of Silkroad Research Network from the Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics, the session illuminates the use of advanced research platforms such as Connected Papers, Consensus Apps, and Scyspace, prominently featuring ChatGPT 4.0. This insightful webinar focuses on enhancing the efficiency and depth of literature reviews, underscoring the importance of a systematic approach to understanding research fields, formulating precise research questions, and identifying future research avenues. Through practical demonstrations and methodological guidance, it showcases how AI can significantly refine the literature review process, marking a significant evolution in academic research practices.

Science Direct for Editors and Authors by Arbain

The webinar led by Arbain, Vice Rector of Universitas Widya Gama Mahakam Samarinda and Director of Relawan Jurnal Indonesia, provided comprehensive insights into academic publishing, focusing on utilizing Science Direct and Scopus for research and publication. It covered the essentials of accessing scientific articles, strategies for creating and managing reputable journals, particularly in Uzbekistan, and the importance of being indexed in recognized databases like Scopus. The session also addressed the process of publishing in Scopus-indexed journals, including paper preparation, peer review, and journal selection, while emphasizing the need to avoid predatory journals. Concluding with a Q&A session, the webinar offered valuable advice for academics aiming to enhance the visibility and impact of their research in the global scientific community.

Academic Account in Publishing Workflow by Mochammad Tanzil Multazam

The webinar led by Mochammad Tanzil Multazam (Founder of Silkroad Research Network and Library Director of Universitas Muhammadiyah SIdoarjo), part of the Silk Road Research Network and Relawan Journal Indonesia series, focused on the academic publishing workflow, targeting researchers globally with a special emphasis on Uzbekistan. It covered the critical role of digital identifiers like DOIs and ORCID IDs, the management of academic profiles across platforms such as ResearchGate, SSRN, and Zenodo, and the utilization of scientific metrics and repositories to boost research visibility and impact. Tanzil Multazam highlighted the necessity for academics to establish a comprehensive digital presence to enhance the dissemination and impact of their work, offering guidance on using ORCID IDs for updating publication records and platforms like Kudos for promoting research findings. The session, which concluded with a Q&A segment, provided essential insights into navigating the academic publishing landscape, underscoring the significance of digital tools in expanding scholarly work’s reach and impact.

Plagiarism and Basic Publication Ethics by Zulidyana Dwi Rusnalasari

This webinar part of the Silk Road Research Network and Relawan Journal Indonesia series, led by Dr. Zulidyana Dwi Rusnalasari (Member of Relawan Jurnal Indonesia), focused on plagiarism and basic publication ethics, aiming to deepen the understanding of academic integrity. Dr. Rusnalasari emphasized the importance of trust, accountability, validation of knowledge, and the severe consequences of unethical practices, including reputational damage and legal actions. She discussed various types of plagiarism, the responsibilities of authors, reviewers, and publishers in maintaining ethical standards, and provided guidance on avoiding plagiarism through proper citation and the use of plagiarism detection tools. The session highlighted the need for educational institutions to promote ethical practices and foster a culture of integrity and accountability in academic research and publication.

Bibliometric Analysis by Ikhwan Arief

The webinar, hosted as part of a collaborative initiative led by Silkroad Research Network and in partnership with Institute of Economy and Trade of Tajik State University of Commerce, featured Ikhwan Arief – Editor of Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) also member of Relawan Jurnal Indonesia as the key expert on bibliometric analysis. The session aimed to enlighten attendees on the quantitative analysis of publications to understand research trends, evaluate research impact, and assist in policy and funding decisions. Mr. Arief shared insights on bibliometric concepts, the importance of integrity in research, and the challenges of data collection from various sources like Scopus and Web of Science. He demonstrated the use of tools like Microsoft Power BI for detailed bibliometric analysis, highlighting its advantages in data visualization and analysis over other platforms. The webinar concluded with a Q&A session, addressing practical concerns on conducting bibliometric research and publishing in Scopus-indexed journals, emphasizing the significance of selecting a unique research topic and the meticulous process of data collection and analysis for impactful research publication.

How to Use Scopus Database Properly as a Researcher

The webinar on effectively utilizing the Scopus Database for researchers, delivered by Mochammad Tanzil Multazam, Founder of Silkroad Research Network and Head of Library at Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo, highlighted essential strategies for navigating and leveraging this comprehensive database to enhance research quality and avoid predatory journals. Hosted by Mehrinigor Akhmedova from Bukhara State University, the session offered deep insights into selecting reputable journals, analyzing research output through Scopus tools, and exploring collaboration and funding opportunities. This informative session underscored the importance of critical evaluation in research practices and the role of Scopus in advancing scholarly communication.

How to State Novelty and Knowledge Gaps

The webinar, moderated by Professor Saltanat Meiramova from A.K. Kussayinov Eurasian Humanities Institute and delivered by Ridwan Arifin from Universitas Negeri Semarang, focuses on effective research methodologies for identifying and stating research gaps and novelties. Ridwan Arifin, who is also the Editor in Chief of the Journal of Indonesian Legal Studies, shares his insights on systematic approaches to research, which are crucial for academic success in Scopus indexed journals. The session delves into strategies for defining research problems, framing research questions to address these gaps, and the importance of leveraging interdisciplinary collaboration to enhance research outputs. The discussion also highlights the dangers of predatory journals and offers guidance on choosing reputable journals for publishing research findings.

Insights based on numbers:

  • Ridwan Arifin emphasizes the systematic review process, detailing steps like literature review, critical appraisal, and documentation, which are fundamental in establishing the novelty of research.
  • The discussion on research methodologies underscores the necessity of comparing current studies with prior findings, which can significantly impact the perceived novelty and relevance of the research.